Barbie- A Sissy Slave

Barbie as I like to call my newest Sissy Slave is a one of kind ever so willing to entertain Mistress type of slut.  This makes one proud in the scheme of day to day planning.  

Sissy Slave’s can come in many shapes and forms, as not two people have the same idea of what it means to be a Sissy nor do they care to be classified as a Barbie either.  However, there is a particular type of Sissy Slave that brings a smile to my face time and again.  This is the one who will allow me to mold them from top to bottom and will also even when not really preferred still allow me to introduce new subject matter to play with and challenge themselves just a little more.

Do not misunderstand what I’m saying….  all Sissy Slaves/Sluts are a blast to toy with.  As I enjoy so many facets of how manipulation works well with you.  ~smirks~  And does it ever get those Sissy juices flowing when I’ve got you right where I want you in the throws of confession time /story time.

To all Mistress Peyton’s Sissy Slaves/Sluts/Pets just know that the heat is being turned up on you.  The bar has been raised a little higher and I will be expecting you to reach, I mean really reach for perfection when it comes to the “Frilly” we have a brand new day ahead of us, it’s up to you to accept it for everything it has to offer you.

Talk Soon Naughty Ones,

Mistress Peyton


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