As many of you know by now Mistress has one slave who tends to get in over his head from time to time.. one would think he has learned his lesson by now. I think not, this time I think Mistress will take him still another level of pleasure and still deeper into the web of pain. After all Slave Asked for It.
The slave in question is one I’ve worked with for a little over a year now, he has tempted fate over and again with me by asking for one extreme to the other. What started out as a little blackmail fantasy got him snared into something he never expected to happen. See, what he didn’t know about me was once I had him in that place we like to refer to as “subspace” Mistress asked him what he wanted, from there I had him giving me all types of information. First we started with his wife’s phone number, we moved along to her email address from there I kept him so close to the edge, very close but still so far away. I dared him, DARED him to challenge me. You must know he would never challenge me with these types information on hand.
Oh, I’m sure you want to know what I did with the information, right? First I opened my email and emailed the Mrs. second I called her while he was sitting there with a dripping cock. I ordered him to leave her a message. He couldn’t utter a word, he just sat there, for that he was punished, and the emails escalated until he satisfied my needs.
So here we are today and his future is looking rather entertaining to me. I believe that his new challenges are going to open up a whole new world of temptation and humiliation for this naughty boy. As I have planned the most unique tasks for him to entertain his Mistress in order to prevent the above events from repeating themselves again. I mean after all his household was not the happiest for quite some time.
Talk Soon Naughty Ones,
Mistress Peyton