Tease and Denial

Tease and Denial Phone Sex has got to be up there on the list of thingtease and denials I enjoy doing to a boy. All you need is a little imagination and the ability to see the pictures I burn into your corrupt mind. Oh and the need for Mistress to take what you have and leave you wanting more.

Unlike others I want to take my time with you. I’ll start with the space in your mind and work my way down to the place you use for fun, or as I like to call it the parts that always seem to betray you.

Tease is a skill I like to use against the weakest of all. The denial is an added bonus, the more I push the easier you become to work with. Tease and Denial they go hand in hand for molding a boy into the perfect playmate.

Are you hooked on panties, or stockings? Is it something a little more devious you crave? Trust Mistress when she takes your hand and walks you across the line for some of the dirtiest games you’ve yet to play.

Talk Soon Perverted Ones,
Mistress Peyton

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