Recently I had the opportunity to train Stu. He’s a good sissy slut for me. Little did he know that when he signed up for my training that we would expand upon his training two fold.
See when I take you into my web and get you to the point of no return you agree to things you wouldn’t under most circumstances.
Stu has found himself agreeing to let me dress him in the most delicate of clothing and train him to sit like a well groomed lady and wait his turn. As he is most eager not just for my strap on, but most of all for a cock.
I’ve painted a naughty picture in his mind of what that could be like if he’d behave and wait his turn. Having him dressed as the most precious girl. Watching as Mistress teased her boy toy, listening to each thing that the boy toy begged for next. Just when the time was right, I’d allow Stu to become unbound, while said boy toy remained bound.
Oh can you see where this story could end, or begin for that matter? Training a sissy is just the beginning it actually IS two fold.
Talk Soon Naughty Ones,
Mistress Peyton