A Word From Kamm…..

Goddess: This really happened.

There is a clothing optional resort near my house that I have frequented for years. Since You have had me in .my chastity cage I have begun wearing swim trunks when I am there. Well, last night i was there and who happens to be in the tub with me? The same woman who hit on me in the bar a few weeks ago and whom I told of my Goddess who owns my cock.

We chatted pleasantly until a point came when we were the only two in the tub. She asked awordkammif seeing her naked had changed my mind at all.

I told her that she was indeed very attractive and enticing but that it would be impossible to do anything. I stood and pulled my trunks open and she gasped when she saw my cage. She came close and examined it. She saw that indeed i was hard inside. Painfully so. She asked where the key was and I told her it was at home, frozen in ice. I told her that I thaw the key only when I am going to call my Princess.

After her initial surprise we chatted quite a bit about how I need to feel owned and controlled. She even masturbated a bit but stopped when others came. She was very interested and said that even though it wasn’t her cup of tea, it was still pretty hot. She also said that it was a bummer for an attractive guy to be so unavailable.

I was so proud and humiliated at the same time.I went home and stared at Your pics and just throbbed painfully for You.

Thank You Mistress

Secret Desire

Secret Desire is it a seed that Mistress has planted deep inside your mind?  Is it something she said that has you captivated or spellbound?  Every step we take is a step closer to the one true desire with in you. submissive to You

When you say “I want to be submissive to you” that in itself is your Secret Desire and it grows within you each time you relinquish your rights to the keys of the space between us.  I keep you captivated with the truth of what is and what will become if only you close your eyes and paint the picture I’ve burned on your skin.

Give- take- push or pull it matters not to me.  The secrets between  are binding,  that look of  desire will bring you crawling  back where it all began.

Mistress Peyton




Mistress Knows Best

Mistress Knows Best when it comes right down to her pets or slaves. There is a special bond between us two. One that has been cultivated between hours of foreplay and manipulation of one’s mind.mistress knows best

Just this afternoon I cautioned a pet with his constant begging of me to out him to his wife on one thing or another. I said to him that he could have bitten off a little more of a mouthful then he had bargained for. Yet he pushed and probed until I gave him what he thought he wanted. Poor thing now has to choose.

It’s important to remember when in session that you not top from the bottom, you let Mistress get a feel for what is best for your situation. Punishment could be waiting for you just around every corner. I do enjoy a little punishment here and there.

Mistress knows best for the panty boys, the blackmailed sluts, sissy sluts, cross dresses, corrupt perverts, the want to be lesbians, the cuckolds and everything in between. I’m always taking applications for new pets and boy toys each and every day.

Talk Soon Naughty Ones,

Mistress Peyton

Corrupt Innocence Phone Sex

Corrupt Innocence Phone Sex is a naughty game I play with a Preacher from Virginia. I’ve turned my good boy into some what of a wicked man.

Tease the PreacherIn his own words praying no longer helps him resist me. ~giggle~ He only wants to give in to my soft sensual temptation. He stands in front of the congregation and gets hard just thinking of the naughty ideas I’ve placed deep into his mind.

Panties? Well yes Preacher I said go buy them and do it today. Sex? No! Not again, not with your wife. We’ll leave her in confusion twisted just as you are, as I laugh in your face. I love this game we play.

I’ll use you as I see fit preacher, and leave you begging me for more. Always needing, never forgetting. I’m your Mistress and you are here to serve.
Talk soon.

Personal Best

When I ask you for your personal best and chicken out over a little complication here or there I have to frown upon your reasons. I tell you time and again how that cock will betray you, and it does. ~smirk~  girls rule
One needs a break? There are no safe words here. You forgot to ask me for one. You asked for something I gave it to you. Guilt? I cannot accept that for something that makes your body feel so much pleasure. Humiliation? Nah, It feels to good to be humiliating. Even you said so.

Mistress told you from the start careful when you ask me for something I always give it to you. I also told you be sure to give me 110% of your best and never back down from a challenge. Here you are at a challenge backing down. Not a good sub at all. I must say. So Here’s your Mistress putting you on blast for the entire world to see you and read about you. Enjoy bad boy.  Enjoy this break, enjoy the void, and enjoy knowing that every SECOND of it is coming back around to bite you in the ass over the days and weeks to come.
Mistress Peyton.

Cock Control Phone Sex

Cock Control Phone Sex with you is a way I like to amuse myself with just how far you are willing to go. You claim that the cock doesn’t control all your actions but we both know this simply isn’t true.  cock control

Let’s take Rob for example, he took time out of his work day not just once but 3 times to have me control his aching cock. His is a fetish most have but he cannot seem to get his particular fetish under control. He’s a panty lover, though he doesn’t wear them. The story we have evolved has him so excited he can’t seem to concentrate while doing his daily tasks.

Now I have others who need their cock controlled on a daily as well, though its not as hard for them to admit as the others. This is where I can assist you with the journey. First you must just accept that you and your cock betray one another. This is step one. It’s simple you see.

Step two is much more fun then step one, you just pick up the phone and dial in a session with me. I’ll be glad to assist you in how to understand all the ways you need to have the special Cock Control Phone Sex. Together we can map out what is at the root of your obsession with your cock. I’d say I’m getting rather fond of assisting you with these sort of issues.

Remember, it’s all about progress, I strive to help you be the best at all we do together. I’m walking you through the twisted perversions of my playground.
Mistress Peyton